California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (CA ELAP) – PR 2375
What is the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (CA ELAP)?
ANAB can assess laboratories doing environmental testing under the California State Water Resources Control Board Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) by virtue of ANAB’s recognition by The NELAC Institute (TNI) as a non-governmental accreditation body (NGAB).
The California ELAP oversees more than 650 laboratories that regulate testing of drinking water, wastewater discharges, and hazardous waste cleanup sites throughout the state. Under new regulations, laboratories are required to be accredited to the TNI Standard for managing all factors that potentially can affect the quality of laboratory results. Previously, laboratories were required to meet only the requirements in the analytical methods they perform, but the TNI Standard requires facilities to control a broader scope of influential factors.
The requirement for accreditation of laboratories is a significant move, given that laboratory data provides a foundation for public health and environmental protection. ANAB supports the California Water Board’s commitment to ensuring ELAP labs meet common requirements and generate high-quality data.
ANAB is one of the few providers that can offer accreditation services for ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, the Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (DoD ELAP) and Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program- Accreditation Program DOECAP AP in conjunction with a California ELAP assessment.
FA 2375, Application for Third-Party Assessment to California ELAP
CA ELAP Accreditation

Supplemental Program Requirements
PR 2375, Administrative Process Rule: California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (CA ELAP)
Talk to an Expert
Zaneta Popovska
Associate Director of Accreditation, Inspection, Laboratories, and Related Activities

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