Accreditation for TL 9000 Quality Management Systems


TL 9000: Telecom Quality Management Systems

What Is TL 9000 Telecom Quality Management Systems Accreditation?

The telecommunications TL 9000 standard contains the requirements of ISO 9001 plus additional industry requirements, including measurements. Some major telecommunications organizations recommend that their suppliers be TL 9000 certified. The certifications must be issued by CBs accredited to the TL 9000 by an AB recognized by the Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications (TIA QuEST) Leadership Forum. ANAB is recognized to accredit CBs to TL 9000. For more information about TL 9000 or TIA QuEST Forum, go to the TIA QuEST Forum website.

TL 9000 is a subordinate standard in ANAB’s fee schedule. A CB applying for TL 9000 ANAB accreditation shall already be accredited by ANAB or in application with ANAB for ISO 9001.

You can view the TL 9000 application in .pdf format to understand specific requirements but the application process must be completed online via ANAB’s EQM database; first-time EQM users must register to create an account.

TL 9000 Telecom QMS Accreditation Requirements

Available from TL 9000 Site:

  • TL 9000 Accreditation Body Implementation Requirements
  • Code of Practice for TL 9000 Certification Bodies
  • Qualification and Experience Requirements for TL 9000 Registrar Auditors
  • TL 9000 Auditor Time
  • TL 9000 Requirements Handbook Quality Management Systems
  • TL 9000 Measurements Handbook
  • Additional produced documents at TL 9000 site

Featured Product

ISO 9001 specifies the requirements for a quality management system when an organization needs to enhance customer satisfaction and meet applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

Talk to an Expert

Don McFarland

Senior Manager of Accreditation, Management Systems
Aviation, Space, and Defense and Counterfeit Prevention Programs


Don McFarland

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Management Systems Accreditation Requirements & Resources

This manual explains the operational activities and responsibilities of ANAB and accredited management systems certification bodies (CBs).

Who is Accredited?

Search the directory of accredited management systems certification bodies.