Sustainable Biomass Program
The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) is an independent, multi-stakeholder certification scheme initially designed for biomass used in large-scale energy production. SBP has achieved international recognition as a solution for Biomass Producers, Traders, and End-users to demonstrate responsible sourcing practice.
As a sourcing standard, SBP focuses on the legality and sustainability aspects and attributes of feedstock used in biomass production. SBP’s unique Data Transfer System tracks woody biomass transactions along the supply chain, collecting and collating data to enable life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions calculations to be made.
The SBP Audit Portal provides all Certificate Holders and Certification Bodies with a dedicated system to manage all audit-related activities. The Portal makes the certification process more efficient and smarter using digital tools and automation.
As the contribution of biomass towards meeting global climate targets grows in significance, SBP’s aim is to strengthen its proposition as the global biomass certification scheme of choice, pursuing opportunities within and beyond woody feedstocks and within and beyond the energy sector.
In 2022, SBP entered into an agreement with ANAB. Managing SBP’s Assurance Program, ANAB is responsible for accrediting Certification Bodies wishing to provide SBP certification services and assessing their performance.
The process to apply for ANAB accreditation for providing SBP certification services can be found here, along with other accreditation programs. The accreditation of certification bodies to ISO/IEC 17065 is defined in MA 5102: Manual of Operations for Accreditation of Product Certification Programs.
Steps to ACCREDITATION FOR the Sustainable Biomass program

- File Application
- Document Review
- Preliminary Assessment (Optional)
- Accreditation Assessment
- Corrective Action
- Accreditation Committee’s Decision
- Accreditation Certificate
- Surveillance / Reassessments
Talk to an Expert
Erica Hinton
Manager of Accreditation, Product Certification

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