August 5, 2019
ANAB Launches Accreditation Program for Type I Environmental Labeling Certification Programs

ANAB has a new accreditation program for certification programs of Type 1 environmental labeling.
Accredited third-party type I environmental labeling certification programs reflect and accelerate the application of best practices, promote green consumerism, and increase public participation in environmentally positive programs.
A certification body that gains ANAB accreditation demonstrates competencies and credible assurance of continual improvement and risk assessment met in accordance with internationally recognized standards. Independent accreditation by a third party represents an accountability mechanism to benchmark competence and quality, and to corroborate the credibility of an organization offering certified ecolabels.
Certification bodies seeking ANAB accreditation to conduct type I environmental labeling certification are required to comply with the requirements of ISO 14020, ISO 14024, PR 5178: Sector Specific Accreditation Program for Type I Environmental Labeling Certification Program, and relevant MA 5102: Manual of Operations for Accreditation of Product Certification Bodies.
Upon completing a successful assessment of their competence in accordance with these requirements, certification bodies will be granted ANAB accreditation to operate in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065, through use of a Type I environmental labeling certification scheme and the applicable standards.
New applicants and accredited certification bodies seeking accreditation to conduct type I environmental labeling certification and recognition of their type I environmental labeling certification scheme should contact Nikki Jackson ( or 202.331.3623), director for the product certification accreditation program, for product certification accreditation.