November 29, 2017
ANAB Recognized for DOECAP-AP

The U.S. Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Program – Accreditation Program (DOECAP-AP) has recognized ANAB as an accreditation body for the DOECAP-AP.
This means ANAB can now provide accreditation for laboratories seeking or maintaining qualification to perform analytical services and industrial hygiene testing for the DOE.
DOECAP’s goals are to eliminate and/or minimize redundant audits of commercial analytical laboratories and waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs); standardize audit policies, procedures, and methodology; communicate lessons learned; and reduce DOE’s risks and liabilities. DOECAP eliminates more than 170 redundant DOE field audits annually, with an estimated cost savings of $7.2 million.
The DOE Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security funds DOECAP, and the Analytical Services Program Manager provides direction and guidance for DOECAP. Both types of DOECAP audits serve as the means that DOE field managers can use to meet the requirements in DOE Order 414.1D, Quality Assurance, to achieve quality work thorough performance and quality improvement that include rigorous assessments and effective corrective actions to address deficiencies.