ANAB Appeal | Submission Form

An appeal is a request by an applicant or accredited entity for reconsideration of any adverse accreditation decision related to its desired accreditation status. These decisions include  granting, maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending, and withdrawing accreditation.

A nonconformity is not an accreditation decision. A nonconformity is the non-fulfillment of a requirement for accreditation. A nonconformity is not subject to appeal. Issues related to fulfillment of requirements for accreditation, including technical requirements, will be resolved in the context of addressing a nonconformity under applicable business unit and/or program-specific procedures, and not through the appeal process. For information about the nonconformity challenge process, click here.

Learn more about ANAB’s appeal process.


Information About Your Appeal

Enter a statement explaining the basis of the appeal and justifying the relief requested. Reference the relevant applicable procedures that appellant claims were not followed in reaching the accreditation decision and explain how the procedures were not followed.
Enter a description of any steps taken to resolve the matter informally prior to submitting the appeal.
Attach a copy of the ANAB notification of the decision that is being appealed.
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Accepted file types: doc, docx, gif, gz, jpg, pdf, png, txt, xls, xlsx, zip, Max. file size: 2 GB.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, gif, gz, jpg, pdf, png, txt, xls, xlsx, zip, Max. file size: 2 GB.