The ANAB proficiency testing provider (PTP) accreditation program is nationally and internationally recognized and enables PT providers to demonstrate competency and promote confidence in proficiency testing.
The foundation of any laboratory’s reputation is built on confidence in the ability to provide correct and reliable data. Appropriate quality assurance activities such as proficiency testing are vital to the reliability and overall quality of the data produced.
The goal of PTP accreditation is to provide 3rd party assurance of the quality of proficiency testing activities worldwide. Use of accredited PTPs is required by many accreditation programs including, 17025 Testing and Calibration accreditation programs, 15189 medical testing accreditation programs, and even the 17034 RMP accreditation program requires the use of PTPs.
The ANAB proficiency testing provider accreditation program was designed to assure the quality of proficiency testing programs through assuring compliance with ISO/IEC 17043. This internationally accepted standard specifies the general requirements for PTP scheme operations and for demonstrating competence in the planning, impartiality and confidentiality, assignment of property values, determining the appropriateness of the PT item, and statistical evaluation of PT results.
PTPs can be accredited for a wide variety of PTs used by laboratories in all industries.
ANAB is a recognized global leader in accreditation and prides itself on worldclass service while maintaining the highest level of quality. The ANAB proficiency testing provider accreditation program is nationally recognized by TNI and internationally recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).