Assuring Intended Learning Outcomes in Training and Education Programs
Thursday, August 27, 2020
This webinar will provide an overview of assessment based-training and education program design and development as well as the requirements of ANSI/ASTM E2659, Standard Practice for Certificate Programs.
How do you assure participants have achieved intended learning outcomes at the end of a course? The answer to this question has become even more important with the pandemic and related changes in the learning industry, specifically with the shift to online learning programs.
Training programs that are designed based on industry-accepted practices and valid and reliable assessments give confidence to learners, employees, and employers that participants achieve the intended learning outcomes of the courses being offered.
- Design of quality training and education programs
- Measurable learning outcomes
- Concept of educational defensibility, which includes content validity, and assessment validity and reliability
- ANSI/ASTM E2659 as building blocks for a high-quality training education certificate programs
Dr. Turan Ayvaz is the Senior Director of the Certificate Accreditation Program (CAP) at ANAB. His primary focus areas include overseeing the accreditation process under ANSI/ASTM E2659, managing client relationships, and providing subject-matter expertise to all parties. Prior to joining ANAB, Dr. Ayvaz was with Macro International, a governmental consulting firm, where he provided program evaluation and workforce development support to several U.S. federal agencies. He was also a research fellow at the George Washington University’s Center for the Study of Learning, conducting research and consulting projects on organization and leadership development. Dr. Ayvaz has also extensive experience in quality management. He holds a doctorate in human and organizational learning from the George Washington University.