Eco-Labeling – How to Apply

The first step in the ANAB application procedure for accreditation of eco labelling certification programs is submission of preliminary letter of application by the certification body. The purpose is to enable ANAB to judge the eligibility of the certification program(s) for accreditation. ANAB will issue a report of eligibility within 30 days of receipt of the letter of application. The letter of application should contain the following minimum information (see MA 5102: Manual of Operations for Accreditation of Product Certification Programs):

  • Confirmation of the third party status of the program.
    A third party is independent of the parties involved in certification, i.e., the supplier (“first party”) interests and the purchaser (“second party”) interests. Describe how the program sponsoring body qualifies as a third party, and describe the interests represented on the body’s governing board. If the certification program operates under the direction of a managing committee, the interests represented on the committee should be identified along with a description of the committee’s independence from the governing board if applicable.
  • Proof of ownership of a certification mark registered with the U.S. Patent Office.
    Providing a copy of the U.S. Patent Office certificate of registration, copy of mark of conformity, and or a copy of a certificate of conformity are examples of evidence of ownership.
  • Copy of the publicly available documents describing the program.
    Provide copies of descriptive brochures, application forms, advertisements, etc.
  • A brief description of the program, including a list of the standard(s) used and the identity of the inspection and laboratory body(s) if different from the certification body.
    If outside inspection bodies or testing laboratories are used, identify them and describe the nature of their work in the certification program.

If the certification body is found to be eligible, they will be sent the application and instructions for completing and submitting the application. The certification body will be referred to additional documents regarding the policy, procedures, and operations of the ANAB accreditation program that will guide them in the accreditation process. The following documents can be found among policies, procedures and forms on our website:

For more information, please contact:

Keith Mowry
Senior Manager of Business Development
