Heads Up for Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification
ANAB uses Heads Ups to communicate to our applicant and accredited validation and verification bodies and other stakeholders, information of interest. This may include developments at ANAB or IAF, or other information that can be of value to you in your business. Notice of each new Heads Up is sent via email to various contacts, including the main contact at each applicant and accredited validation and verification bodies.
Each Heads Up is maintained here.
19. Updates to ANAB’s Structure–Enhancing Our Service to You
18. Transition to ISO 14066:2023
17. IAF MD6:2023 for the Application of ISO 14065:2020 – Revision Reminder
15. Nominations Sought for the 2023 ANAB Assessor of the Year Award
14. ANAB Website and Communications
13. ISO/IEC 17029:2019 and ISO 14065:2020 Transition – Reminders and Clarifications
12. Reminder – Transition for ANAB Name and Accreditation Symbol
11. Clarification on ISO/IEC 17029, 9.3., Engagement
09. Transition Process for ISO 14065:2020 and ISO 14064-3:2019
08. Nominations Sought for ANAB Assessor of the Year Award
07. New Appeal and Nonconformity Challenge Procedures Effective 2021/01/01
06. Nomination Sought for ANAB Assessor of the Year Award
04. Scheme and Program Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
02. New Certificates and Scopes of Accreditation
01. ANAB’s Guidance and Expectations for the Increased Use of IAF MD 4 During the COVID-19 Pandemic