Introduction to Data Validation (Self-paced)


This course reviews requirements for performing data validation for environmental projects.

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Join ANAB for the “Introduction to Data Validation” online training course, delivered through Mindflash. 

Participants in this course will review requirements for performing data validation for environmental projects. Data generated by sampling and measurement organizations or testing laboratories often require validation of method performance and application to project specific requirements. The presentation reviews various reasons and procedures a third party uses to perform data validation.

The objective of data validation and reporting procedures is to present the end user with a clear understanding of the quality and limitations of the data generated. The understanding of data validation provides data users with items to consider during the planning stages of a project.

Some guidance applies only to chemical analytical data provided by the laboratory and not to data collected from field sampling measurements like pH and conductivity bioassay or microbiological methods. This training includes validation of field activities including sampling and testing for both field measurement and fixed laboratory.

This introduction presents general types of validation techniques and presents how to validate a data package. The introduction reviews common terms and tools used by data validators. No data package is reviewed.

After payment for the training is processed, you will receive an email message asking for your preferred start date and we will send you access to the training for five calendar days. Once you begin the training, you will be able to open and close the session as often as you like within those five calendar days. The training will take approximately six hours to complete. An attendance certificate will be emailed upon completion.

Course References

  • Department of Defense/Department of Energy General Data Validation Guidelines – October 2017
  • Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846)
  • Guidance on Environmental Data Verification and Data Validation. EPA QA/G-8, Office of
  • Environmental Information, EPA/240/R-02/004 November 2002
  • National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Superfund Methods Data Review, January 2017 (EPA-549-R-2017-001)
  • National Functional Guidelines for Organic Superfund Methods Data Review, January 2017 (EPA-549-R-2017-002)

This training course is available as a private session. Private sessions are a great option for organizations that have several staff members that need the training.

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