International Recognition

ANAB is a signatory of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) multilateral recognition arrangements, demonstrating ISO/IEC 17011 compliance via peer assessments attesting to equal reliability worldwide.

Accreditation bodies around the world typically pursue IAF and ILAC recognition through one of the recognized regional cooperations of these organizations. Recognizing the value of regional information-sharing among members of the accreditation community, ANAB has signed the MRAs of the InterAmerican Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) and the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC), which was established January 1, 2019, by the amalgamation of the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation and the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation. More information on recognition of ANAB follows:

International Accreditation Forum MLA

Main scopes:

Product Certification ISO/IEC 17065

Management Systems Certification ISO/IEC 17021-1

Certification of Persons ISO/IEC 17024

Validation and Verification ISO 14065

Validation and Verification ISO/IEC 17029

Level 4 sub-scopes:
Product: GlobalG.A.P. IFA General Regulations
MS: ISO/IEC TS 17021-3
MS: ISO/IEC TS 17021-2
MS: ISO/TS 22003
MS: ISO/IEC 27006
MS: ISO 50003
MS: ISO/IEC TS 17021-10
MS: ISO/TS 22003, FSSC 22000 Scheme Parts 3 and 4
VV: ICAO CORSIA ETM Vol. IV, ISO 14604-3, ISO 14066
VV: ISO 14065, ISO 14066, ISO 14064-3

Level 5 sub-scopes:
Product: GlobalG.A.P. IFA CPCCs
MS: ISO 9001 (QMS)
MS: ISO 14001 (EMS)
MS: ISO 22000 (FSMS)
MS: ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS)
MS: ISO 13485 (MDMS)
MS: ISO 50001 (EnMS)
MS: ISO 45001 (OH&SMS)
MD: FSSC 22000 Scheme Part 2
VV: ISO 14064-1, 14064-2

IAF Certificate

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation

Testing ISO/IEC 17025

Calibration ISO/IEC 17025

Inspection ISO/IEC 17020

Testing ISO 15189

Proficiency Testing Providers ISO/IEC 17043

Reference Material Producers ISO 17034

InterAmerican Accreditation Cooperation

ISO/IEC 17025 Calibration and Testing Laboratories

ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories

ISO/IEC 17020 Inspection Bodies

ISO 17034 Reference Material Producers

ISO/IEC 17043 Proficiency Testing Providers

ISO/IEC 17024 Personnel Certification Bodies

ISO 14065 Verification and Validation Bodies for Greenhouse Gases

ISO/IEC 17065 Product Certification Bodies including GLOBAL G.A.P IFA

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Quality Management Systems Certification Bodies (Sub-scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3; Level 5: ISO 9001)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Environmental Management Systems Certification Bodies (Sub-scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-2; Level 5: ISO 14001)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Food Safety Management Systems Certification Bodies (Sub-scopes: Level 4: ISO/TS 22003; Level 5: ISO 22000)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Information Security Management Systems Certification Bodies (Sub-scopes: Level 4: ISO/IEC 27006; Level 5: ISO/IEC 27001)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Medical Devices Management Systems Certification Bodies (Sub-scope: Level 5: ISO 13485)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Energy Management Systems Certification Bodies (Sub-scope: Level 4: ISO 50003; Level 5: ISO 50001)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (Sub-scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-10; Level 5; ISO 45001)

ISO/IEC 17021-1 Anti-Bribery Management Systems (Sub-scope: Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-9; Level 5: ISO 37001)

Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation

Calibration – ISO/IEC 17025

Testing – ISO/IEC 17025

Certification – Persons – ISO/IEC 17024

Certification – Management Systems – ISO/IEC 17021-1

  • Sub-scope Anti-bribery management systems ABMS (ISO 37001)
  • Sub-scope Business continuity management systems BCMS (ISO 22301)
  • Sub-scope Energy management systems (ISO 50003, ISO 50001)
  • Sub-scope Environmental management systems (ISO/IEC 17021-2, ISO 14001)
  • Sub-scope Food safety management systems (ISO TS 22003, ISO 22000)
  • Food Safety System Certification 22000 FSSC 22000 (ISO TS 22003 / ISO 22000)
  • Sub-scope Information security management systems (ISO 27006, ISO 27001)
  • Sub-scope Medical device quality management systems (ISO 13485)
  • Sub-scope Occupational health and safety management systems (ISO/IEC 17021-10, ISO 45001)
  • Sub-scope Quality management systems (ISO/IEC 17021-3, ISO 9001)

Certification – Product, process and services – ISO/IEC 17065

  • Sub-scope GLOBALG.A.P.
  • Sub-scope IFA Control Points
  • Sub-scope Compliance Criteria

Validation and Verification – ISO/IEC 17029

  • Sub-scope Environmental Information ISO 14065:2020

Greenhouse gas (GHG) validation and verification – ISO 14065

  • Sub-scope ICAO-CORSIA Version 1.0

Inspection – ISO/IEC 17020

Medical testing – ISO 15189

Proficiency Testing Providers – ISO/IEC 17043

Reference Material Producers – ISO 17034

World Anti-Doping Agency

As an ILAC MRA signatory, ANAB is recognized as an accreditation body by WADA.

International Aerospace Quality Group

ANAB is recognized by IAQG as a global accreditation body for certification bodies that certify aviation, space, and defense industry suppliers to AS9100, AS9110, and AS9120.

OF interest

  • March 19, 2025

    2026 ANAB Conformity Assessment Symposium (ACAS)

    Full Story

  • February 14, 2025

    Forensic Accreditation Communications

    Full Story