National Recognition

The U.S. government increasingly relies on ANAB accreditation for the verification of the quality of certification programs. In view of the numerous certification programs and the necessity to assist the consumer in making informed decisions, government entities look to ANAB to provide accreditation programs that improve industry practices and distinguish quality certification programs. Below are the national recognitions that ANAB holds.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Based on European Union EC 1774/2002 requirements, pet food production facilities must be approved by APHIS, which approves laboratories accredited by ANAB. Laboratories accredited by ANAB can provide the test reports required in EU pre-inspection packages or with EU certificates.

U.S. Coast Guard

Accreditation of laboratories conducting testing of equipment and materials for approval by the U.S. Coast Guard.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Accreditation of laboratories for testing of children’s products in accordance with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008.

U.S. Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)

Accreditation of environmental laboratories performing testing in support of DoD environmental restoration (ER) programs at DoD operations, activities, and installations, including government-owned, contractor-operated facilities and formerly-used defense sites (FUDS).

U.S. Department of Defense Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program

ANAB is the sole approved accreditor of personnel certification bodies by the DoD for its Information Assurance (IA) Workforce Improvement Program. The National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law on November 25, 2015, mandates that any credentialing program used by members of the armed forces be accredited by an accreditation body that meets enumerated quality criteria. ANAB’s personnel certification accreditation program meets these criteria, as the program operates in compliance with ISO/IEC 17011, and applies ISO/IEC 17024.

U.S. Department of Energy LED Lighting Facts Programs

Accreditation of laboratories for testing of LED products for general illumination in support of reporting performance results according to industry standards.

U.S. Department of Energy Home Energy Profession Certification and Better Building Workforce Guidelines

Accreditation under ISO/IEC 17024 for the four Home Energy Professional Certifications and the four certifications developed to the Better Building Workforce Guidelines.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services selected ANAB as the approved accreditor for its Health Information Technology (HIT) Certification Program. The HIT Certification Program seeks to enhance the certification of health information technology by bolstering the transparency, reliability, and efficiency of processes used to certify electronic health record (EHR) technology. In this role, ANAB assesses applicant certification bodies against the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065.

U.S. Department of Justice

ANAB partners with the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) of the Department of Justice to provide accreditation and training services in the international community.

U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Approved accreditor of crane operator certification programs.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP)

Accreditation of laboratories that perform quantitative and/or qualitative analytical testing of paint chip (film), dust, and/or soil samples for lead analysis.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star® Program

The EPA Energy Star® Program helps Americans save energy and money, while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. It has grown to encompass products in more than 60 categories and is used by millions of Americans in selecting products. To ensure that Energy Star remains a trusted symbol for environmental protection through superior efficiency, EPA and DOE collaborated to develop enhancements for product qualification and verification. These enhancements include third-party qualification prior to labeling, laboratory qualification, and comprehensive verification testing.

ANAB is recognized for accreditation of laboratories to ISO/IEC 17025 and Energy Star Laboratory Recognition Requirements established by EPA to perform testing required for Energy Star qualification. ANAB is recognized by the EPA Energy Star® Program to evaluate the competency of product certification bodies in each of the designated product categories.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act Title VI

Accreditation of laboratories to ISO/IEC 17025 under TSCA Title VI to reduce exposure to formaldehyde emissions from certain wood products produced domestically or imported into the United States.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense

WaterSense is a program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to protect the future of the U.S. water supply by promoting water efficiency and enhancing the market for water-efficient products, programs, and practices. To ensure the WaterSense program’s integrity and sustainability and to ensure consumer confidence in the products that bear the WaterSense label, ANAB has been recognized as an accreditor of the WaterSense Program. Through partnerships with irrigation professionals and irrigation certification programs and manufacturers, retailers and distributors, and utilities, the program is designed to promote water-efficient landscape irrigation practices and to bring WaterSense products to the marketplace and make it easy to purchase high-performing, water-efficient products.

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation

ANAB is approved by the FBI’s National DNA Indexing System (NDIS) Procedures Board as an accrediting agency and operates under an MOU with the FBI to provide accreditation and external Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) assessments.

U.S. Federal Highway Administration

Laboratories accredited by ANAB for construction materials testing are considered to meet the requirements in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations at 23 CFR 637.209(a) (2), (3), and (4), which require certain laboratories to be accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program or a comparable laboratory accreditation program approved by the FHWA. ANAB is formally recognized by NACLA for meeting technical requirements in construction materials testing and ANAB meets the requirements for comparable laboratory accreditation bodies listed in the September 22, 2004, Federal Register Notice.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Accreditation of certification bodies that conduct FSMA food safety audits of foreign food entities using FDA’s safety standards and, based on their audit findings, may issue certifications of foreign food facilities and the foods they produce for people and animals.

U.S. General Services Administration

Recognized accreditation provider for laboratories testing bunkable and loftable beds, beds with drawers and drawer units for use under beds.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Recognized accreditation body for P25 Compliance Assessment Program and for Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness (PS-Prep) Program.

National Institute of Standards and Technology NVCASE Program

Recognized as an accreditation body in accordance with Section 10 of the NIST Requirements & Application for U.S. Conformity Assessment Bodies Seeking Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU Notified Body Status and the NIST Requirements & Application for U.S. Conformity Assessment Bodies Seeking EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU Notified Body Status.

Authorized accreditor under Phase-I CAB Designation of APEC Tel MRA and Phase-II CAB Designation to OFCA – Hong Kong. Accreditation of U.S. laboratories seeking NIST designation to foreign economies under the EMC/Telecom Mutual Recognition Agreements for specific test methods/standards covered under the MRAs. Accreditation of laboratories to test host, router, and network protection products for compliance to the USGv6-v1 profile.

Recognized accreditor of telecommunication certification bodies under a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program to enforce rules for the manufacture of telecommunications and radio equipment used in the U.S. and abroad. In addition to this arrangement with the FCC, ANAB is the accreditor for several other governmental agencies involved in certifying telecommunications equipment including Industry Canada (IC), Singapore IDA, Hong Kong, and Japan.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Accepted by the NRC as an alternative to the methods used by licensees to qualify commercial-grade calibration service providers (as defined by 10 CFR Part 21).

Federal Communications Commission

Accreditation of laboratories that perform testing of telecommunication equipment subject to FCC rules. Accredited laboratories are entered in an FCC database of laboratories qualified to conduct FCC testing.

National Institute of Justice

ANAB is recognized by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to offer management systems accreditation for BA 9000 (including ISO 9001), a certification standard for ballistic-resistant body armor manufacturers.

ANAB accredited certification to BA 9000 provides ballistic-resistant body armor manufacturers the opportunity to reduce the frequency of surveillance inspections related to the NIJ Compliance Testing Program (CTP).


  • February 14, 2025

    Forensic Accreditation Communications

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