July 30, 2020
ANAB’s ILAC MRA Recognition Extended to Include ISO 17034 Reference Material Producers

ANAB has extended its signatory status with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) to include reference material producers (RMPs) under ISO 17034, General requirements for the competence of reference material producers.
With this extension, ANAB’s ISO 17034 accreditation program is now recognized internationally as meeting the requirements of ILAC, the global oversight body for bodies providing accreditation of laboratories and related organizations.
ANAB has been a signatory of the ILAC MRA since 2006 and the extension for ISO 17034 RMPs was signed on July 21, 2020. ANAB’s MRA status includes, in addition to ISO 17034, accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025 testing and calibration laboratories, ISO/IEC 17020 inspection bodies, ISO 15189 medical testing laboratories, and ISO/IEC 17043 proficiency testing providers.
ANAB’s accreditation program for RMPs was previously recognized by two regional accreditation oversight groups, the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) and the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC), under their respective mutual recognition arrangements. ANAB was recognized as a signatory of the APAC MRA for accreditation of RMPs in 2008 and as a signatory of the IAAC MRA when it was extended to include ISO 17034 in 2017.
“The ILAC MRA and the regional MRAs enhance the acceptance of products across borders by eliminating the need for redundant tests, calibrations, and inspections, thereby effectively reducing technical barriers to trade” said R. Douglas Leonard, ANAB vice president for product, inspection, laboratories, and related activities. “The extension of the ILAC MRA to ISO 17034 reference material producers and ANAB’s recognition under the MRA further serve to support product safety and quality while fostering global trade.”
The ILAC MRA links the regional MRAs of APAC and IAAC, to which ILAC delegates authority for peer evaluations related to the MRA signatory status of ILAC members. Accreditation bodies that are MRA signatories have undergone a rigorous peer evaluation in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011 to demonstrate their competence.
ANAB accredited RMPS are now eligible to use the ILAC MRA Mark along with the ANAB accreditation symbol to identify the international recognition accorded their accredited activities.
For more information about ANAB accreditation for RMPs, visit www.anab.ansi.org/reference-material-producers. More information about the ILAC MRA is available at ilac.org.