Forensic Technical Assessor Training (5-day)


Forensic technical assessor training is meant for anyone interested in serving as an ANAB technical assessor for the ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation programs and learning the mechanics of the assessment process.

SKU: TF-A17025-1 Category: Tags: ,

If you are interested in serving as an ANAB technical assessor for the ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation programs and learning the mechanics of the assessment process, this is the course for you!

If you are not interested in being a Technical Assessor, but wish to learn auditing skills,  please see the Forensic ISO/IEC 17025 Internal Auditor or Forensic ISO/IEC 17020 Internal Auditor course.

The primary goal of this course is to train individuals to serve as ANAB forensic technical assessors for the assessment of forensic science testing labs, calibration labs or forensic inspection bodies.  We use the application of ISO 19011, Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems, as the model for the training.

This course is a full 5 days conducted by a live or in person instructor.  This course provides a review of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 or ISO/IEC 17020:2012, the relevant ANAB forensic accreditation requirements (AR 3125 or AR 3120), and the assessment process. In addition, through various practical exercises, classroom discussions, homework deliverables, and a final examination, attendees will gain knowledge about the ANAB assessment process, learn numerous assessment methods, and acquire skills for performing an assessment and collecting, verifying, and recording objective evidence.

Please note: The information presented during this course assumes a basic understanding of the structure and content of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 or ISO/IEC 17020:2012. A thorough review of the requirements is provided in the online training portion of this course but requirements will not be reviewed in detail while on site.

Instructor-led course content includes a thorough review of the ANAB assessment process detailing the technical assessor’s role and responsibilities, preparing for and conducting an assessment activity, using ShareFile and the assessor’s note form, and discussion and use through practical exercises of various assessment methods for collecting and verifying objective evidence.

This course includes only the process of assessing as an ANAB forensic technical assessor.  If you are interested in becoming an internal auditor for your agency, see the two courses listed above.

Note: Each participant needs to bring a laptop, tablet, or iPad with internet capability for full participation in practical exercises.

  • Acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to be a competent technical assessor when serving on an ANAB assessment.
  • Gain an understanding of the accreditation requirements and the ANAB accreditation process.
  • Learn how to evaluate and apply ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17020 and the forensic accreditation requirements (AR 3125 or AR 3120) to a forensic management system.
  • Gain information about assessment methods and risks.
  • Acquire assessment skills using various sampling mechanisms for collecting, verifying, and recording objective evidence.

A basic knowledge of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 or ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Competency in one or more forensic disciplines

ANAB/ANSI/WorkCred DC Offices:

1899 L Street NW,
Suite 1100-A
Washington, DC 20036

This training course is available as a private session. Private sessions are a great option for organizations that have several staff members that need the training.

Request Private Training from ANAB
