Overview of ANAB and the ANAB Accreditation Process – (Self-paced)


This short overview course focuses on the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and the ANAB accreditation process for Forensic Service Providers. A brief overview of the ANAB history, mission, programs and services is presented.

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This short overview course focuses on the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and the ANAB accreditation process for Forensic Service Providers. A brief overview of the ANAB history, mission, programs and services is presented. Additionally, accreditation is defined, and the purpose and benefits of accreditation are described. Lastly, this course provides a step-by-step description of the ANAB accreditation process to assist organizations with getting on the road to accreditation. Quizzes are provided throughout the training to assess learning comprehension.

  • Gain information regarding the ANSI National Accreditation Board history, mission, programs and services
  • Understand what accreditation is and learn the purpose and benefits of accreditation
  • Learn the ANAB accreditation process and how to get on the road to accreditation

Any management system personnel involved with seeking accreditation or wanting to know more about the ANAB and the accreditation process should attend this course. This could include top-managers, quality managers or technical personnel who desire an understanding of accreditation, the accreditation process and the role of an accrediting body. Individuals new to a company may also benefit from this course.

This training course is presented as a self-paced, web-based seminar through an online platform, Trakstar Learn. Access information to Trakstar Learn will be provided after we receive the registration payment.

After your payment for the training is processed, you will receive an email message asking for your preferred start date and we will send you access to the training for five calendar days. Once you begin the training, you will be able to open and close the session as often as you like within this timeframe. The training takes approximately four hours to complete. An attendance certificate will be emailed upon completion.

$50 per person

Note:   If an instructor-led course of greater value is purchased with the ANAB Training Institute, the registration fee of this course will be deducted from the final amount.

This training course is available as a private session. Private sessions are a great option for organizations that have several staff members that need the training.

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