Understanding the AOAC Guidelines ISO/IEC 17025 Add-on Requirements for Food Testing Laboratories


This training course will help participants understand and apply the AOAC criteria by providing an overview of the requirements and practical concepts such as quality control, sampling, proficiency testing, and equipment maintenance.

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The AOAC Guidelines document, which provides food testing laboratories specific direction on the implementation of ISO/IEC 17025, was recently updated to include the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This training course will help participants understand and apply the revised criteria, by providing an overview of the requirements and practical concepts such as quality control, sampling, proficiency testing, and equipment maintenance.

  • About AOAC
  • Detailed overview of the AOAC Guidelines requirements for food testing laboratories
  • Relationship between AOAC guidelines and ISO/IEC 17025:2017
  • Practical applications in food testing laboratories

This training is presented as self-paced, web-based seminar through the online platform Mindflash. Access information will be provided after we receive the registration payment.

The training will take approximately two hours to complete; however participants can move through the module at their own pace. After payment for the training is processed, the participant will be asked for their preferred start date. Access to the training will be granted for five calendar days; during this time, the participant will be able to open and close the session as often as needed.

Cost: $175 per person

This training course is available as a private session. Private sessions are a great option for organizations that have several staff members that need the training.

Request Private Training from ANAB
