Industry Recognition

American Board of Forensic Toxicology

ANAB is the exclusive provider of accreditation to the America Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT) Checklist in conjunction with ISO/IEC 17025.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Accreditation of calibration laboratories under the 2007 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code III, Subsection NCA: General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2 – Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components.

Automotive Industry

IATF 16949:2016 includes very specific language regarding internal calibration activities and laboratory requirements. The explanatory note establishes that third-party ISO/IEC 17025 is accreditation useful in demonstrating the organization’s in-house laboratory conformance to the IATF ISO 16949 requirements.

The NELAC Institute (TNI) National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP)

Recognized accreditor for environmental proficiency test providers for provision of PT samples to laboratories under TNI’s NELAP.

The NELAC Institute (TNI) National Environmental Field Activities Program (NEFAP)

Recognized member of TNI with qualified assessors to work under contract to NELAP accreditation bodies, states, or laboratories seeking contract assessors. Accreditation of laboratories for field sampling and measurement organizations (FSMOs).

Racing Medication and Testing Consortium

Accreditation of laboratories seeking recognition under the RMTC program.

Food Safety

In the product certification arena under ISO/IEC 17065, ANAB certifies compliance with a number of certification schemes dedicated to food quality and safety.

Safe Quality Foods

Consumer confidence in safe quality food and the integrity of the food supply chain is enhanced by the partnership between ANAB and the Food Marketing Institute. ANAB provides an accreditation service for FMI’s Safe Quality Food Initiative certification program (


ANAB is recognized as the accreditor of the GlobalGAP program.The GlobalGAP standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm by minimizing detrimental environmental impacts of farming operations, reducing the use of chemical toxicants, and ensuring a responsible approach to animal welfare. The GlobalGAP standard is benchmarked by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

British Retail Consortium

The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is one of the leading trade associations in the United Kingdom, representing all forms of retailers from small, independently owned stores to big chain and department stores. BRC developed a standard to specify food safety and quality criteria required to be in place within a manufacturer’s organization to supply product to retailers and other users.

Azzule (Primus GFS)

PrimusGFS is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked and fully recognized audit scheme covering both good agricultural practices (GAP) and good manufacturing practices (GMP) scopes and food safety management systems (FSMS). Approval of the PrimusGFS scheme helps move the produce industry one step closer to the desired goal of global food safety harmonization. The scheme covers the scope of the supply chain from pre-and post-farm gate production and provides an integrated supply chain approach. The PrimusGFS is owned and managed by Azzule Systems.

International Featured Standards

IFS, a GFSI benchmarked food safety scheme, brings a range of food safety, quality, and food-related standards to the North American Market. In its mission to provide assurance that food is safe, ANAB added the IFS certification program to its list of food safety accreditation programs. IFS developed a quality and food safety standard for retailer branded food products named IFS Food, which is intended to allow the assessment of supplier’s food safety and quality systems in accordance with a uniform approach.


CanadaGAP is a GFSI benchmarked food safety scheme that offers certification to companies that produce and handle fruits and vegetables. It is designed to help implement and maintain effective food safety procedures within fresh produce operations. Two manuals, one specific to greenhouse operations, the second for other fruit and vegetable operations, were developed by the horticultural industry and reviewed for technical soundness by Canadian government officials. The manuals are designed for companies implementing good agricultural practices (GAPs) in their production, packing, and storage operations, and for re-packers and wholesalers implementing good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and HACCP programs.

Global Aquaculture Alliance

The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) is a non-profit NGO that develops the Best Aquaculture Practices certification standards and encourages the use of responsible aquaculture practices. GAA also works to improve production and marketing efficiencies, and promote effective, coordinated regulatory and trade policies. To promote responsible practices across the aquaculture industry, GAA coordinates the development of Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification standards for hatcheries, farms, processing facilities, and feed mills. The BAP program drives continued improvements via high standards that deliver significant benefits industrywide. The BAP standards cover aquaculture facilities for a variety of fish and crustacean species.

Product Conformity Assessment Schemes

ANAB certifies compliance with a number of certification schemes in the product certification arena under ISO/IEC 17065.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

ANAB administers an accreditation service for certification bodies operating under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Chain of Custody (SFI CoC) and/or the PEFC Chain of Custody (PEFC CoC) programs. These initiatives positively impact a range of forest-based products and their movement from the forest to the end user.

AECO Program

Accredited Elevator/Escalator Certification Organizations (AECOs) are accredited by ANAB to evaluate and certify elevator and escalator systems, subsystems, components, and functions against the guidelines of ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7, a standard developed jointly by ASME and the CSA. The AECO designation demonstrates that accredited organizations are competent and capable at assessing compliance to standards that help assure the safety and reliability of elevators and escalators.

International Halal Accreditation Forum

Halal products and services, which include food and beverages, cosmetics and personal care, pharmaceuticals, apparel, logistics, finance, tourism and hospitality, and more, are in high demand, with stakeholders ranging from consumers, traders, manufacturers, and government. Halal accreditation bodies serve to ensure safety and transparency in certifying and verifying Halal products, as demand for these products grows.

Hockey Equipment Certification Council

ANAB accredits product certification bodies that certify compliance with the requirements established by the Hockey Equipment Certification Council (HECC) for the safety of hockey equipment. Certification of compliance with HECC requirements is mandated by USA Hockey, The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), and the NCAA (for face masks only).

Environmental Strategic Partnerships

ANAB’s accreditation program provides validation/verification bodies recognition from various organizations, including:

Column Two Title

  • March 19, 2025

    2026 ANAB Conformity Assessment Symposium (ACAS)

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  • February 14, 2025

    Forensic Accreditation Communications

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