Accreditation for Environmental Technology Verification
What is Accreditation for Environmental Technology Verification?
ANAB provides accreditation for third-party inspection bodies and verification bodies conducting verification of environmental technology. Environmental technology verification (ETV) is a process providing independent and credible information on new environmental technologies by verifying that performance claims are complete, fair, and based on reliable test results. This verification supports the advancement of innovative environmental technologies to meet environmental priorities.
Organizations seeking accreditation under the program must meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO 14034, Environmental management – Environmental technology verification (ETV).
When paired with ISO/IEC 17020, ISO 14034 provides a framework for technology validation that ensures proper metrics are identified for technology evaluation, consistent evaluation methods are implemented, and high quality standards are achieved for clean energy technology verifications.
Published in 2016, ISO 14034 is the first international standard aimed at creating a uniform approach to the ETV process. It specifies principles, procedures, and requirements, and is designed to deliver multiple benefits that enhance confidence in the selection of technologies demonstrating an environmental added value, including:
- Leveling the playing field for technological innovators
- Harmonizing the ETV process across international boundaries
- Providing credible, independent assessment of innovative environmental technologies
- Enabling informed decisions when identifying and selecting suitable technologies
- Achieving sustainable environmental targets that benefit citizens around the world
An environmental technology results in an environmental added value or measures parameters that indicate an environmental impact. The objective of ETV is to provide credible, reliable, and independent verification of the performance of environmental technologies.
New environmental technologies can make a significant difference in terms of resource and cost savings. ETV ensures that a product’s environmental claims are true and verified, and presents a clear assessment of the technology’s environmental potential and value
ETV provides an independent evaluation of new technologies. Validation of environmental claims allows users, developers, regulators, and other parties to make informed decisions about purchasing, applying, and regulating innovative technologies. Verification builds vendor credibility and buyer confidence by providing assurance that environmental performance claims are valid, credible and supported by high quality, independent test data and information.
Program Documents (including FA 2007, MA 2100, AR 2252, SR 2408, and other documents)
Steps to Accreditation for Environmental Technology Verification

- File Application
- Prepare for Accreditation
- Document Review
- Preliminary Assessment
- (Optional) Accreditation Assessment
- Corrective Action
- Executive Committee’s Decision
- Accreditation Certificate
- Surveillance Assessments
Featured Product
ISO 14034:2016 specifies principles, procedures and requirements for environmental technology verification (ETV).
Talk to an Expert
Paul Matera
Senior Manager of Accreditation, Inspection, Laboratories, and Related Activities

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