FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
FSMA Accredited Third-Party Certification Program
The ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) is a recognized accreditation body under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). ANAB accreditation for FSMA may be based on ISO/IEC 17065 or on ISO/IEC 17021-1. To learn more about each program, choose the appropriate program below.
ANAB was one of the first ABs recognized by the FDA in 2019. Having gone through a successful 5-year re-recognition, our scope of recognition can be found here.
The FSMA Third-Party Certification Program (TPP), (ISO/IEC 17065 or ISO/IEC 17021-1 ) is a voluntary program in which accredited certification bodies will conduct food safety audits and issue certifications of foreign food facilities.
ANAB’s accreditation in accordance with the FSMA TPP, supports those seeking compliance for FDA’s Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP), a fee-based program that will allow for expedited review and importation for those who achieve and maintain a safe and secure supply chain.
ANAB accreditation also supports those seeking FSMA compliance for the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) ( ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation).
FSMA empowers FDA to take proactive steps to prevent the sale, distribution, and consumption of tainted food products by recognizing accreditation bodies – like ANAB – to assess the competence of third-party certification bodies. The goal is to create a food safety system that focuses upon preventing contamination rather than reacting to problems that have already occurred.
ANAB applauds the FDA’s recognition of the value of accredited food safety audits and certifications, which provides the best and fastest opportunity to bolster the safety of the food supply in the U.S., as private third-party food safety audits can reach beyond our borders.
Accreditation for ISO/IEC 17065 Product Certification Food Safety
ISO/IEC 17065 Based FSMA Accreditation Process
ANAB ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation supports those seeking FSMA compliance for both the FDA’s Accredited Third-Party Certification Program (TPP) (also under ISO/IEC 17021-1) and the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) – which requires importers to verify that the food they import meets U.S. safety standards.
ANAB was recognized by the FDA in 2019, initially under ANSI accreditation then later transitioned under ANAB. The scopes of our recognition can be found here.
Please refer to information about the product certification accreditation process at How to Apply for Accreditation of Product Certification Programs.
Accreditation for ISO/IEC 17021-1 Management Systems Food Safety
ISO/IEC 17021-1 Based FSMA Accreditation Process (Third-Party Certification Program)
ANAB ISO/IEC 17021-1 accreditation supports those seeking FSMA compliance for the FDA’s Accredited Third-Party Certification Program (TPP) (also under ISO/IEC 17065).
Please refer to information about the management systems accreditation process at How to Apply for Accreditation of Management Systems Certification Programs.
A certification body may apply for FSMA TPP accreditation under both ISO/IEC 17021-1 and ISO/IEC 17065.
FDA FSMA Accreditation Requirements
- Accreditation Requirements for Management Systems CBs
- ANAB Management Systems Accreditation Rule 55
- Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (21 CFR) Part 1, Subpart M – Accreditation of Third-Party Certification Bodies To Conduct Food Safety Audits and To Issue Certifications
- FDA Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: Third-Party Certification Body Accreditation for Food Safety Audits: Model Accreditation Standards
- FD&C Act and FDA regulations applicable to the scope of accreditation food safety requirements
- ANAB FDA FSMA Supplemental Requirements Matrix, CL 5316
Talk to an Expert
Natalia Larrimer
Associate Director of Accreditation, Management Systems

Talk to an Expert
Chris Kelly
Senior Manager of Accreditation, Product Certification

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Management Systems Accreditation Resources

This manual explains the operational activities and responsibilities of ANAB and accredited management systems certification bodies (CBs).

This manual explains the operational activities and responsibilities of ANAB and accredited product certification bodies (CBs).