
Personnel Certification Accreditation – How to Apply

Step 1

Become familiar with ANAB Personnel Certification Accreditation Policies and Procedures by visiting the Personnel Certification Accreditation Documents and Resources section of this website. Purchase and study the standard ISO/IEC 17024.

Step 2

Attend a Personnel Certification Accreditation Workshop to understand the requirements of the standard and to identify documents that are required to meet the standard.

Note: Participation in a workshop and purchasing ISO/IEC 17024 are not mandatory requirements for ANAB accreditation.

Step 3

Optional: Request ANAB to conduct an Informational Visit (pre-assessment). This is normally performed by one assessor within one day and helps an organization determine its compliance with the requirements through this “live test” before a more expensive full initial assessment is conducted. 

Note: An informational visit is not a mandatory requirement for ANAB accreditation.

Step 4

Fill out preliminary application form FA 7503.

Step 5

Upon preliminary eligibility approval, pay the application fee and complete and submit the required application with supporting documents to ANAB. Please refer to all guidance documents available online. The application will be sent to you upon preliminary eligibility approval.

Step 6

Document Review: ANAB assessors conduct a document review for the application received. This is the review of the documentation received against 17024 requirements.

Step 7

On-site Assessment: ANAB assessors conduct a two-day assessment at the site of the applicant body’s main office(s).

Step 8

Corrective Action: Provide necessary documents to close any nonconformity identified during the assessment process.

Step 9

Committee Review: Once the applicant has closed nonconformities to the satisfaction of the ANAB assessment team, the details of the assessment are presented to the Personnel Certification Accreditation Committee (PCAC) for deliberation and an ultimate decision on initial accreditation under ISO/IEC 17024.

Step 10

Accreditation: Accreditation is granted by the Personnel Certification Accreditation Committee (PCAC) and the certification body operates its program in accordance with ANAB requirements and ISO/IEC 17024 requirements. This includes participating in annual surveillances to demonstrate continued conformance with all requirements.

For more information, please contact:

Katherine Krehbiel
Senior Manager of Accreditation, Credentialing
