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Ballot for Revision of ISO/IEC 17065

April 18, 2024 @ 2:00 pm 3:00 pm EDT

Key Takeaways

  • ISO/IEC 17065 – Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services was published in 2012.  It replaced ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996.  ISO/IEC 17065 was ground-breaking at the time as it clearly separated requirements for a certification body from the rules and procedures in a certification scheme.  This paved the way for markets and regulators to develop schemes independently from the certification bodies who would perform conformity assessment in accordance with the scheme.  The growth of these so-called independent schemes has fueled the remarkable expansion of product, process and service certification in many new fields over the last 12 years.
  • A ballot is underway among ISO member bodies to determine whether ISO/IEC 17065 should be confirmed as is or opened for revision.  In this webinar the recent history of ballots and proposals for revision of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 will be reviewed.  In addition, the formal “common elements” that by default are included in ISO CASCO standards will be explored for their possible impact on a revision to ISO/IEC 17065.  Finally, the trends in revisions to other ISO 17000 series standards will be described and the impact on a revision to ISO/IEC 17065 considered.


Keith Mowry was a member of the ISO CASCO Working Group that developed ISO/IEC 17065 and currently serves on the ISO CASCO Clarification Panel for ISO/IEC 17065.  His work in conformity assessment has involved extensive application of ISO/IEC 17065 since the day it was published.  Join Keith for this general survey of ISO/IEC 17065 understand the current trends and likely revisions that could impact the next edition of ISO/IEC 17065.  The webinar will provide a strong foundation for dealing with whatever actions are taken for ISO/IEC 17065:2012.  The information shared will be particularly important to scheme owners specifying ISO/IEC 17065, certification bodies expected to fulfill ISO/IEC 17065 and all stakeholders who rely on ISO/IEC 17065 for assurance about the competence, consistency and impartiality of certification bodies.