Fundamentals of Internal Auditing (Self-paced)
This course is designed as the first step in understanding the internal audit process.
16 in stock
In this self-paced course, participants will learn the fundamentals of internal auditing. This course is designed as the first step in understanding the internal audit process. It provides key concepts from ISO 19011:2018, as well as the fundamental concepts and knowledge needed to plan and implement internal audits. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the internal audit process and communication skills associated with internal auditing, such as effective interviewing and writing nonconformities.
When paired with the ANAB self-paced course Overview of ISO 19011:2018, participants will gain a robust knowledge of internal auditing and developing internal audit programs. The combination of these two courses provides a strong foundation for participants intending on furthering their knowledge of internal auditing. To get the most our of the courses, it is recommended to take Fundamental of Internal Auditing before Overview of ISO 19011:2018.
- Learn key concepts from ISO 19011:2018
- Understand the internal audit process
- Develop techniques for effective interviewing and listening
- Understand the management and technical issues related to internal auditing
This training is presented as self-paced, web-based seminar through an online platform, Mindflash. Access information will be provided after we receive the registration payment.
After your payment for the training is processed, you will receive an email message asking for your preferred start date and we will send you access to the training for five calendar days. Once you begin the training, you will be able to open and close the session as often as you like within those days. The training takes approximately four hours to complete. An attendance certificate will be emailed upon completion.
Cost: $250 per person
If combined with Overview of ISO 19011:2018 a discount of $100 is applied.
This training course is available as a private session. Private sessions are a great option for organizations that have several staff members that need the training.
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